Easy Pixel Art Deformed Knee Pixel Art Yin Yang

  • Journal List
  • Sensors (Basel)
  • v.21(eighteen); 2021 Sep
  • PMC8471198

Sensors (Basel). 2021 Sep; 21(xviii): 6189.

A Novel Hybrid Approach Based on Deep CNN Features to Detect Knee Osteoarthritis

Hafiz Tayyab Rauf

iiiDepartment of Computer science, Faculty of Engineering science & Informatics, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

Mohammed A. El-Meligy

4Industrial Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Rex Saud University, P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia; as.ude.usk@yneebrehslea (A.M.E.-S.); every bit.ude.usk@ygilemlem (Thou.A.East.-M.)

Oana Geman, Academic Editor, Muhammad Arif, Bookish Editor, Valentina E. Balas, Bookish Editor, and Aniello Castiglione, Academic Editor

Received 2021 Jun 23; Accepted 2021 Sep 10.


In the recent era, various diseases have severely afflicted the lifestyle of individuals, particularly adults. Amid these, bone diseases, including Human knee Osteoarthritis (KOA), take a great affect on quality of life. KOA is a knee articulation problem mainly produced due to decreased Articular Cartilage between femur and tibia basic, producing astringent joint pain, effusion, articulation movement constraints and gait anomalies. To address these issues, this written report presents a novel KOA detection at early stages using deep learning-based feature extraction and classification. Firstly, the input X-ray images are preprocessed, so the Region of Involvement (ROI) is extracted through sectionalisation. Secondly, features are extracted from preprocessed 10-ray images containing knee joint joint infinite width using hybrid feature descriptors such equally Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) through Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and CNN using Histogram of oriented gradient (Hog). Depression-level features are computed by HOG, while texture features are computed employing the LBP descriptor. Lastly, multi-class classifiers, that is, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Woods (RF), and One thousand-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), are used for the classification of KOA according to the Kellgren–Lawrence (KL) organization. The Kellgren–Lawrence arrangement consists of Grade I, Course II, Class Three, and Class IV. Experimental evaluation is performed on various combinations of the proposed framework. The experimental results show that the Grunter features descriptor provides approximately 97% accuracy for the early detection and classification of KOA for all four grades of KL.

Keywords: feature extraction, sensor based HR imagery, knee joint osteoarthritis, Convolution Neural Networks, knee osteoarthritis detection

i. Introduction

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a severe affliction in joints, especially in the knees, due to loss of cartilage. It appears with historic period, and it is present mostly in the elderly population. Overweight is also among the various causes of the prevalence of OA [1,2]. The Knee joint consists of two major basic, the femur and the tibia. Between these basic, a thick cloth called cartilage is present. This cartilage helps with the flexible and frictionless movement of the genu. Cartilage volume may decrease due to aging or accidental loss [3]. Due to decreased cartilage volume, tibiofemoral bones produce friction during movement, leading to knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Articular cartilage is composed of a chondrocyte that helps the underlying bone by load distribution, and it works for a lifetime [4].

Kellgren–Lawrence (KL) is a grading arrangement that describes the various stages of OA. This system is based on the radiographic classification of KOA. Information technology is found to exist the most authoritative system of classification. It consists of Grade I, Grade II, Class III, and Grade IV [five]. Early on symptoms that indicate KOA in patients are knee pain, swelling, surface roughness, gait abnormalities, morning pain, and and then forth. From these factors, doctors detect the presence of the disease. Although KOA is detected below the age of twoscore years, the average age of the patients has been reported to be above 40-five years [6]. According to a recent study, 80% of people over the age of 65 have radiographic KOA in the USA [five]. It is expected that the ratio will increase in the future. Another study has stated that KOA affects more than 21 million people in the USA [7]. In Republic of indonesia, 65% of full arthritis cases are knee osteoarthritis [eight]. In Asia, information technology is also increasing 24-hour interval by solar day. According to a recent study conducted in Pakistan, 28% of the urban and 25% of the rural population is afflicted by knee osteoarthritis [nine]. Clinically, along with medication, KOA is cured by do, weight loss, walking aids, heat and ice treatment, and physiotherapy equally non-invasive methods and acupuncture, intra-articular injection, and surgical procedures equally invasive methods of treatment [10].

Image processing is a computer-aided technique that is used for KOA detection. Various modalities, such as radiography, MRI, gait analysis, bioelectric impedance signals, and and then forth, are used for the detection of KOA [11,12]. Ten-rays/radiographic images aid to detect knee osteophytes and joint width space narrowing, while MRI is helpful for cartilage thickness detection, surface area, and roughness. In contrast, bioelectric impedance signals are a powerful tool for the detection of KOA. Equally information technology is a non-invasive technique, it is low toll and easy to operate. It involves the recording of electric signals effectually the knee joint. Later, these signals are used for the assay and detection of KOA [13]. Radiography is a elementary and cheap procedure for the detection of KOA. Through it, we tin encounter the joint space width easily. It is used almost everywhere in the world as it is a inexpensive modality. Nevertheless, information technology has a limitation in that we cannot come across the details of the prototype, and it does not provide whatever information for the early detection of KOA [13]. The MRI technique is more advanced than radiography in the detection of the morphological features of the knee. It provides an in-depth image of the structure and formation of the knee. We can obtain useful information using image processing techniques on MR images. However, it is costlier than Radiography and tin can be more than useful [13,xiv]. The paradigm processing techniques, such as segmentation, thresholding, masking, edge detection, contrast enhancement, and so forth, are applied for obtaining the required information from the images.

Various machine learning and deep learning techniques take been used for the detection of KOA using images of radiography [ii,three,fifteen,16,17,18]. Deep learning algorithms are usefulness in various domains such every bit for mission-critical applications [nineteen,xx], semantic sectionalization [21], medical, that is, real-time cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance [22], and ecosystems change assay [23]. Deep learning algorithms perform very well in the medical field. However, deep learning techniques did not perform well for KOA classification using radiographic images. Although these algorithms performed well for binary classification amid OA and non-OA images with an accurateness of 92% simply for multi-classification the accuracy was 66.7% [fifteen].

Therefore, this study proposes a novel technique for KOA detection according to the KL grading organization. The technique uses a hybrid approach for feature extraction, and nomenclature is performed with 3 different multi-class algorithms—SVM, KNN, and Random Forest. The upshot for the KNN classifier is meliorate than that of the others.

The remaining sections of papers are organized as follows: Section i refers to the Introduction, Section 2 refers to the Literature Review, Section iii refers to the Proposed Methodology, and Section 4 and Section 5 refer to the Experimental evaluation and the Decision.

ii. Literature Review

OA is a common joint disorder. Information technology appears with crumbling and also due to wear and tear on joints. Overweight persons take an increased risk of OA in unlike joints [1]. Osteoarthritis causes the deposition of articular cartilage, which is a flexible blanket between the articulatio genus bones. OA causes mechanical abnormalities of the genu and hips. In this method, gait analysis is performed to predict joint deterioration [24]. Articulation mechanics and role are based on the efficient working of menisci. These menisci enable load balancing at tibia-femoral bones. It also facilitates articular cartilage by reducing the load on information technology. The lubrication and distribution of synovial fluids are also regulated and affected by menisci [25]. At that place are two types of material from which knee bone is fabricated; one blazon of textile is known as Cancellous or Trabecular (Spongy) bone, and the other is known as Cortical (compact) bone [26]. The bone has different shapes; some bones are long, some are curt, some are flat, and other os shapes are irregular [27]. They have presented a Layered graph arroyo for optimal segmentation. Information technology can exist practical on single and multiple interacting surfaces [28].

Mosaicplasty is a self-cartilage transplantation method. In the case of knee joint cartilage damage, information technology is one of the remedies. Information technology requires 3D image precision [29]. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are other widespread diseases that are inclined to cause effusion. Even situations, such equally gout or the formation of tumors and cysts, can trigger fluid keeping in and around the articulatio genus. A fully automated segmentation technique is used. This technique uses MR images and is applied for the detection of osteoarthritis of the knee [fourteen,30]. Epitome processing techniques, such as histogram quantization, threshold, region of interest processing, border detection, and so forth, are used to detect the breakdown of the cartilage [11,12]. Prototype processing techniques in medical diagnosis are presented. Edge detection and dissimilarity enhancement are shown based on the threshold. This threshold directly affects the results. These experiments are performed on the Linux platform using the C language. The proposed algorithm helps in the case of noisy and blurred images [31]. A fully automated method for the partition of cartilage and os is performed on MRI images. Cartilage book, thickness, and surface area are detected based on knee segmentation. These parameters are then used for the progression of KOA [32].

Fully automatic bone sectionalization using a Graph cut algorithm has been used. The images used in this technique are taken from the OAI publicly available database. Here, MR images are used and classified to detect the bones, background, and to detect the fats present in the MR images. In this study, a 2-phase arroyo has been proposed. In the first phase, areas of bones (femur and tibia) are identified. The output of the first phase is given equally input to the 2d phase, where bone segmentation is performed, and other structures, such as fat and muscle, are separated. The accuracy of detection in the first phase is 0.99, whereas, in the second stage, accuracy is 0.95 hateful DSI [33]. In addition, the cartilage composition is assessed by MR imaging. In this piece of work, they accept developed a directly division technique (DST) to observe knee osteoarthritis. The imaging data have been taken from the OAI database [34]. Used 10-ray images for automatic detection of KOA. They have detected different forms such as standard, doubtful, minimal, and moderate KOA. The dataset consists of 350 X-ray images. The KL classification is done manually. In this method, paradigm features are outset extracted. This process is carried out on transforms. For ameliorate results and feature extraction, transformation is as well used. Experimental results showed that boilerplate and minimal course KL OA was hands differentiated from normal OA with an accuracy of 91.5% and 80.4%, respectively, while hundred-to-one OA was detected with an accuracy of 57% [v]. In their work, they have used fully automated sectionalisation techniques that have used three-characterization os segmentation. They have also applied a convex optimization technique for the partition of articulatio genus cartilage. The proposed method provides a more than pregnant result than manual sectionalization [35]. A new graph cut technique is used for the detection of KOA, in which MR images are used for the sectionalization [33].

A semiautomatic technique is used on articulatio genus MRI images to obtain a segment of cartilage. The cartilage segment is separated from femur and tibia bones [eleven]. In this written report, a computer-aided image analysis method is used to observe the early development of KOA. This method detects the texture and structural changes in an image, such every bit bone-in-articulatio genus and hip KOA. Radiographic images or X- rays are used in this method. Starting time, X-rays are taken then digitized. The joint detection is automatically performed, and mutual areas are then separated from the paradigm. Numerical epitome features or content descriptors are then extracted. In the terminate, images are classified based on the feature values. For moderate KOA (KL-three), the experimental results have shown an accuracy of 72%. While for mild KOA (KL-2), the accuracy was 62%. The critical aspect of the enquiry is that the office of the tibia just below the joint is very informative for the early detection of KOA. This part has produced substantial and higher signals. Other areas of the tibia and femur away from the joint did not produce any point and hence are less helpful in the early detection of KOA [36]. In [6], for early KOA detection, an automated technique is proposed using X-ray images. Firstly, images are preprocessed using the round Fourier filter. Then, multi-linear regression is practical to minimize the variations amongst salubrious and OA parts. And so for feature extraction, an independent component analysis is used, and at the end, Naïve Bayes and random forest classifiers are used to detect KOA. The algorithm gave 82.98% accurateness and 80.65% specificity. Knee joint OA is detected by using the genu joint space parameter [2]. The region of interest is separated through template matching using the Hog feature vector, then the human knee joint infinite is calculated and compared with the reference genu joint space width. Particular of related works on the detection of Genu Osteoarthritis is given in Table 1.

Tabular array 1

Summary of recent studies on the detection of Knee Osteoarthritis.

Reference Dataset Accurateness Findings Contributions
[37] 74 Moderate Knee Osteoarthritis Patients Images 95% Cantankerous Function and Inverse Dynamics Computed the
Knee Moments Issue efficiently
Only moderate cases were used
[38] 20 KOA and 20 Salubrious Articulatio genus 95% Optimized results obtained by Focused Rehabilitation Patients had only single joint affliction
[39] 23 KOA Images and 12 Healthy Images 95% Results were optimized using IDEEA3 for KOA Anlaysis Five parameters were considered for measurement of KOA patients to tape infinite
[40] 45 Salubrious (18 Males and 25 Females)
100 KOA Patients (45 Males and 55 Females)
98% Gender is Key Factor in Assay of KOA Considered just knee joint articulation kinematics
 [41] 91 KOA Patients (22 Males and 29 Females) 97% KOA patients accept greater chance of falling Selection bias probability
 [42] 17 KOA Patients, SRKI and 36 KOA, NSRKI 95% SRKI cause changes in joints position Considered KOA patients who were in medical intendance
[43] 110 KOA Patients
(29 youngers, 27 Health Control, 28 Moderate, 26 Astringent)
93% Enhanced KAM was seen in KOA patients Cross Validation to check the bear on of undiagnosed KOA in healthy people
[44] 43 KOA Patients 94% Gait trail was considered in which only KAM was reappearing Number of participants was pocket-sized
[45] 137 KOA Patients 96% Positive correlation amidst astringent hurting and KAM impulse Written report design was cross-sectional

However, the method just detects the KOA, showing an accuracy of 97%. In [46], a region-based technique was used to detect the KOA. Histograms of gradient elements were calculated using a multi-form support vector car (SVM), and results were categorized based on Kellgren and Lawrence's (KL) grading system. Accuracies of <98% for Class-0, 93% for Grade-I, <87% for Grade-Two, and 100% for Class-3 and Grade-iv were attained. In [47], Hu'southward moments were used to extract information by agreement the geometric transformation of the cartilage from distorted images. Total 7 invariants were calculated. At terminal, classification was performed using K nearest neighbour (KNN) and the decision tree classifier. KNN performs better than the decision tree and gives an accuracy of 98.five%, approximately. Nevertheless, the proposed system used 2000 X-ray images for grooming and testing.

From the literature discussed above, it is observed that diverse studies proposed techniques that worked on knee X-ray images for the detection of KOA or their own created datasets. To accomplish good results, many authors used morphological processing on images and feature extraction and classification algorithms such as HOG, Hu'due south, SVM, and KNN. The contributions of this written report are beneath:

  • To advise a novel robust algorithm that tin carry out early on detection of KOA co-ordinate to the KL grading. The proposed algorithm uses X-ray images for training and testing the results. The hybrid features descriptors extract features, that is, CNN with HOG and CNN with LBP. Three multi-classifiers are used to classify disease according to the KL grading system (I, Ii, 3, 4), such as KNN, RF, and SVM;

  • Cantankerous-validation has been used, using 420 images to evaluate the functioning of the proposed technique, and results show 97% accuracy for overall detection and classification;

  • A v-fold validation is used, such as (l,l), (25,75), (30,70), (xl,lx), (twenty,80); here, an individual set represents the train and test data respectively for each Class and the last gear up is for a salubrious course. Our proposed technique gives an accurateness of 98% for all form classifications;

  • We analyzed the performance of individual form detection during cross-validation, revealing the post-obit facts for the nomenclature: The algorithm obtained 98% accuracy for Grade I, 97% accuracy for Form II, 98.5% accurateness for Grade III and Grade IV;

  • Due to the algorithm's robustness, information technology tin can be used for other disease detection and classification, acquiring pregnant results.

3. Proposed Framework

The first step of the proposed system is preprocessing to find the contours of the knee joint and to remove racket. Then region of involvement is extracted, and segmentation is carried out. In the tertiary step, features are extracted using Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) hybridized equally Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Histogram of Oriented Gradient (Sus scrofa), and DCNN with Local Binary Patterns (LBP). Features are extracted as texture, shape, scaling, rotation, and translation. These extracted features are passed to multiclass classifier Support Vector Auto (SVM), Yard nearest neighbors (KNN), and Random Woods to classify the images into four grades according to the KL grading system. The detail of the proposed deep learned organization is given beneath:

iii.ane. Pre-Processing

The aim of preprocessing images is to ready the information for farther processing in the proposed organization. Format conversion is performed in this step while improving the image quality. Images are converted into TIFF format because it preserves the overall quality of the images by storing the image information without loss. During the conversion, irrelevant information is removed. In addition, a negative of the image is formed, as it enhances the visibility of the region of interest. Finally, images are required to downscale using a bilinear approach from all dimensions to amend computational complexity. It also minimizes the noise every bit in the bilinear arroyo; the output value of the pixel is the average of weights of pixels in two × 2 neighborhoods.

3.ii. Region of Interest (ROI) and Segmentation

The fundamental aspect of the algorithm is detecting the early KOA disease space width of the genu joint. This disease becomes advanced as the gap between knee joints increases with age. The region of interest (ROI) is the tibiofemoral joint. The ROI is calculated through a matching technique with the database of knee images. The database image moves on the input epitome pixel by pixel, and the similarity amongst the paradigm'south blocks through a histogram of gradients' features is computed. The block, having maximum similarity, is selected as the ROI. This similarity-based mechanism outperforms the traditional algorithms. Let us suppose that an input prototype I of knee is fed to the arrangement having size I × J, and D represents the database paradigm, having size d r × d c , where v d is the vector of Squealer, having a size of one × h of the database image D. and s m , northward is the block of d r × d c that is located at (m,due north) in the image I. The Hog feature of due south grand , n is represented as V m , n south . Mean accented departure (MAD) is used to compute the similarity among the database epitome D and the image block s thou , north .

U m , n = 1 h 50 = i h [ V k , n s fifty V d ] .


The cake with the minimum MAD is selected as the ROI that contains the knee articulation. The knee image that is used in the database is shown in Figure 1b. Effigy anea shows the original knee image, while Figure 1c shows the selected ROI. The selected region has essential features every bit it shows the articulation space width (JSW).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is sensors-21-06189-g001.jpg

Extraction of Region of Involvement (ROI) [48].

Subsequently extracting the ROI, this cropped image is given every bit an input for performing the sectionalisation through the active contour algorithm. The epitome is dynamically segmented using 3 × iii masks [49].

iii.3. Deep Learning

Deep Learning performs nonlinear transformation bureaucracy-wise. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has deep compages in a feed-forrard manner on which learning tin be applied. Each layer in CNN can run into the features and evidence loftier variance [50]. During the testing phase of the deep convolutional network, information technology runs in the forward management, and all layers are distinguished. The main feature of deep CNN is to perform each possible friction match among images. There are convolutional layers that linearize manifolds while pooling layers collapse them. At the output, layer size depends upon the stride. The filter is for sharpening the image. If the kernel size is K × K and the input size is Southward × Due south, the stride is 1. The feature maps of the input are F and of the output are O, then the input size will be F@ S × Southward, the output size will be O @ (S−Thou + 1) × (Due south−One thousand + one), the kernel has the F × O × M × K coefficients that must be learned, and the price will be F × Thou × K × O × (Due south−K + 1) × (Due south−K + one). The filter size should be matched with the size of the output pattern that is to exist detected. The stride between the pools is the factor on which the output size depends. For example, if independent pools accept a size of K × K and the input size is Southward × South with F features, and then the output volition be F @ (S/K) × (S/M).

The output function is defined equally in the below equation:

F = F L o F L 1 o . . . . . . . . . . F 1 ,


where F L refers to the layer that considers the output o of the previous layer equally an input, represented by × L -1 to summate the output × 50 depending upon the weights ωFifty for every unmarried layer as in the below equation:

ten 50 = F Fifty ( x L one ; ω 50 ) f o r L = 2 , 3 , . . . . L .


3.4. Feature Extraction

Features are extracted based on the shape that depends upon the knee joint infinite. The extracted level features include area, compactness, perimeter, lengths, that is, maximum and minimum centric length, circulatory, diameter, and convex area. Low-level features are computed through HOG, while texture features are computed using the LBP descriptor. On the other hand, high-level features are computed through ConvNet, such as scaling, rotation, and translation. In existing techniques, single or separate characteristic descriptors accept been used that somehow fail to allocate all grades of KOA due to KL having more than 95% accuracy [46]. In our proposed technique, both depression and loftier-level features are used for the resultant epitome that outperforms the land-of-the-art by complete matching with the trained knee features.

3.5. Convolutional Neural Network as Characteristic Descriptor

In our proposed arrangement, the first layer of a 2-dimensional CNN is a convolutional layer that has a filter size of 20 while the pace size is 1. It is followed by the max-pooling layer with a size of ii × two and a stride of 1. The adjacent layer is a convolutional layer with a pace size of ane and a filter size of 32. All the beginning vi layers are arranged alternatively equally the convolutional and max-pooling layers. The adjacent seventh layer is the activation layer that has a Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), while the next layer is the convolutional layer with a filter size of 40 (4 × iv × 32). The final layer is a softmax role layer. The weights of the convolutional layers and the values of operators in max-pooling layers should exist steady for valuable computations. In our datasets, the image size is 50 × 50 × 1, which converts into a size of ane × 1 × 2 with the assistance of forwarding propagation of all layers [51]. Deep Neural Network layers used for the proposed technique are shown in Effigy 2. CNN has convolutional layers that accept the input of paradigm I, filters are applied equally f having dimensions as m × n with length 50 weights as westward and bias every bit b. Then, the output can be written in the form of an equation every bit below:

I f x , y = s = 1 fifty t = 1 due west f due south t × I x + s 1 , y + t 1 + b .


An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is sensors-21-06189-g002.jpg

Deep CNN Architecture for the Input Image.

3.six. Histogram of Oriented Slope

The images are converted into sizes from 28 × 28 to 6 × half-dozen concurring blocks, and each block has a size of 2 × 2 with a pace of size 4. A full of nine bins are formed. A full of 1296 low-level features are computed. Normalization tin be performed for better feature extraction as pulmonary images prove better intensity and shadow normalization. Intensity is considered in the blocks of a greater image size. A similar orientation is computed for the opposite directions of the prototype part as they are grouped in the same bin. The range of the angle remains from 0 to 180. Gradient Magnitude M of the pixel (ten,y) and its direction is given in the below equation as:

where the angle ϑ varies from 0 to two π , while I y and I x are the gradients in a direction of x and y.

iii.7. Local Binary Pattern

An LBP descriptor is used for texture feature extraction. It works on the principle that an private pixel compares itself with its neighbor pixels; as a result, it encodes the local neighbors using the threshold function [52]. If the gray value of the neighbors is greater than or equal to the center pixel, the value of the middle pixel is fixed as one. Let k represent the total neighboring pixels, then LBP generates its double characteristic vectors such as 2 16 = 65,536 feature vectors, and the number increases as the size of the neighboring pixels increases. The equation of the LBP is given beneath.

where p is the neighbor pixel and c refers to the heart one. Pseudo code for proposed framework is given in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1 Pseudo code for proposed framework.

Input: Images = I 1 , I 2 , I 3 , I 1000

Output: Classified Images


data(i) ←  1....1000

While(data(i)!= eof)


Preprocessing of the Images I one thousand (change format, downscaling, negative of the paradigm)

CNNF← 2DCNN Features Extraction

HOGF ← Histogram of Oriented Gradient Characteristic Extraction

LBPF ← Local Binary Pattern Feature Extraction



CL ← AssignClassLabels (Grades I...Four, Healthy)

Classification ← ( SVM (FV1, CL, testImages) KNN (FV1, CL, testImages) RF (FV1, CL, testmages) )

For j=1...north


if (Classification(j)) ← 1

impress Grade-I

else if(Classification(j)) ← two

print Grade-Two

else if(Classification(j)) ← three

impress Course-III

else if(Classification(j)) ← 4

impress Grade-IV

else if(Classification(j)) Healthy

impress KOA not detected



3.8. Classification

For the classification, Back up Vector Motorcar is a supervised learning algorithm trained with four classes co-ordinate to the KL grading system, such as Grade-I, Grade-Ii, Grade-III, and Form-Iv using extracted features and the last course that belongs to a healthy knee. SVM is 1 of the most memory-efficient techniques. Random Woods (RF) has multiple de-correlated decision trees and remains the best for large datasets. 1000-Nearest Neighbour classifier (KNN) is also used and is the simplest of them. Information technology classifies the information using a voting arrangement and recognizes the undefined data. In KNN, if 1000 = 1, the current object is allocated to the nearest neighbour form. The Block diagram of the proposed model is given in Figure 3.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is sensors-21-06189-g003.jpg

Block Diagram of the Proposed Algorithm.

4. Experimental Evaluation

4.1. Dataset

The Knee Osteoarthritis Severity Grading dataset, known as the Mendeley dataset Iv [47], is used. The experiment was performed on a system Core-i7-7700K iv-core iv.2 GHz with 32 GB RAM (Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, Us) and with NVIDIA Titan Five providing 12 GB memory (Nvidia Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, USA). The dataset was collected from unlike hospitals. X-ray images were taken from the machine, PROTECT PRS 500EX-ray. All the images were in grayscale form and were labeled manually according to KL's grading arrangement. A total of 500 images were used to train the classifier, of which 100 images showed salubrious knees without KOA. For each Grade, according to KL, 100 images were used for the training. A five-fold validation was used, such equally (fifty,l), (25,75), (xxx,70), (40,60), (20,lxxx); hither, an private set up represents the training and testing data respectively for each Grade and the concluding set is for the salubrious class. The algorithm produces an accuracy of 98% for 5-fold validation using the KNN algorithm and the combined feature vector of CNN and HOG and SVM with CNN feature vector gives an accurateness of 97.six%. The sample images from dissimilar classes are shown in Figure iv.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is sensors-21-06189-g004.jpg

Different images taken from the Dataset: row (a) Normal Images; (b) Doubtful Images; (c) Mild; (d) Moderate; (e) Severe [48].

iv.2. Results

The total execution times of this hybrid proposed organization for each feature descriptor with all classifiers, such as SVM, RF and KNN, are computed as shown in Tabular array two, Table three and Table 4. Analysis graphs are shown in Figure five, Effigy 6 and Effigy 7. The time taken by the SVM classifier with LBP is 4.2 s, and the shortest time is by SVM_CNN, which is 3.84 s. However, the shortest time of SVM_CNN is besides more significant than the shortest time of KNN-LBP, which is two.iii s.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is sensors-21-06189-g005.jpg

Execution Fourth dimension Analysis of SVM Classifier.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is sensors-21-06189-g006.jpg

Execution Time Analysis of RF.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is sensors-21-06189-g007.jpg

Execution Time Analysis of KNN.

Table 2

Execution Time by SVM Classifier Using LBP, CNN and HOG.

Classifier Proper noun Fourth dimension in Seconds
SVM with Local Binary Pattern 4.2 s
SVM with Histogram of Oriented Gradients four.3 southward
SVM with Convolutional Neural Network 3.84 s
SVM with HOG + CNN iv.8 southward
SVM with CNN + LBP 3.98 s
SVM with Hog + CNN + LBP x.five s

Tabular array 3

Execution Time by RF Classifier Using LBP, CNN, and HOG.

Classifier Proper noun Time in Seconds
RF with Histogram of Oriented Gradients three.v s
RF with Convolutional Neural Network 4.2 southward
RF with HOG + CNN seven.viii s
RF with CNN + LBP 2.viii s
RF with Grunter + CNN + LBP 3.9 s
RF with Local Binary Design 2.23 s

Tabular array 4

Execution Time by KNN Classifier Using LBP, CNN, and Hog.

Classifier Name Time in Seconds
KNN with Histogram of Oriented Gradients 3.3 s
KNN with Convolutional Neural Network iv.3 s
KNN with Grunter + CNN seven.viii s
KNN with CNN + LBP 2.4 s
KNN with HOG + CNN + LBP 3.viii southward
KNN with Local Binary Blueprint 2.3 southward

Hybridized Feature Descriptors: Sus scrofa and LBP extracted depression-level features while CNN extracted the high-level features such as shear, translate, scale and rotate. The aim is to obtain shape features by combining these hybrid features. These hybridized features, that is, CNN+LBP and CNN+HOG, are used, and then these are classified using SVM, KNN, and RF algorithms. The combined equation of the convolutional neural network and the local binary pattern is given as below:

C N N L B P = s = 1 l t = one w f s t . I x + southward 1 , y + t one + L B P p , r


L B P p , r = ( I × f s t ) ten , y ( I × f s t ) 10 , y f south t x c x + one , y c y + i ,


50 B P p , r = i = 0 1 k p i c i . 2 i = I x c , y c & thou x = 1 , i f 10 0 0 , o t h e r w i s e .


The combined equation for the convolutional neural network and the histogram of oriented gradients is as below:

( I M , Ï‘ × K ) x , y = s = 1 l t = 1 due west f s t . I ten + due south 1 , y + t 1 . eastward south Ï‘ ( ten + due south 1 , y + t 1 ) .


Analysis of Different Combinations of Methods: During the training phase, there were xx convolutional layers. The size of the kernel for the pooling layer was 2. Convolutional and pooling layers were used alternatively three times. The activation layer was the ReLU layer. At the output layer, the Softmax function was used to extract the features of the genu. The average accuracy attained was 93% inside 1870 iterations. The classification algorithms used in the proposed system are SVM, KNN, and RF for five classes, such equally healthy and non healthy, which include Form I, II, III, and IV classes. Firstly, an SVM classifier was trained on the dataset for true positive and true negative classes. Nosotros used five-fold cross-validation in which 460 not healthy and 130 healthy images were validated. Tabular array v, Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 show the results obtained for the proposed system.

Table 5

Confusion Matrix for SVM with other Feature Descriptors.

P Northward P North P N P N P N
P 360 37 342 45 328 43 348 17 356 35
N 8 15 13 20 24 25 17 38 14 fifteen

Table half dozen

Defoliation Matrix for RF with other Characteristic Descriptors.

P N P N P North P Due north P N
P 355 forty 332 l 345 13 357 20 353 36
North 9 16 15 23 16 46 twenty 23 fifteen sixteen

Tabular array 7

Confusion Matrix for KNN with other Feature Descriptors.

P Due north P North P N P Due north P N
P 350 forty 345 43 330 twoscore 383 8 351 35
N thirteen 17 13 xix 22 28 4 25 sixteen 18

Table eight

Comparing of Different Proposed Algorithms.

Method Average Standard Deviation Precision Remember Accuracy
SVM_LBP 0.5342 0.0581 97.82% 90.68% 89.28%
SVM_HOG 0.4993 0.0631 96.33% 88.37% 86.19%
SVM_CNN 0.5521 0.0913 93.eighteen% 88.40% 81.66%
SVM_HOG_CNN 0.5330 0.0632 95.34% 95.34% 91.90%
SVM_LBP_CNN 0.4783 0.0634 96.21% 91.04% 88.33%
RF_LBP 0.5432 0.0599 97.52% 89.87% 88.33%
RF_HOG 0.4231 0.0653 95.67% 86.91% 84.52%
RF_CNN 0.4323 0.0685 95.56% 96.36% 93.09%
RF_HOG_CNN 0.4345 0.0654 94.69% 94.69% 90.47%
RF_LBP_CNN 0.4594 0.0601 95.92% 90.74% 87.85%
KNN_LBP 0.4534 0.0610 96.41% 89.74% 87.38%
KNN_HOG 0.4958 0.0611 96.36% 88.91% 88.66%
KNN_CNN 0.4789 0.0672 93.75% 89.eighteen% 85.23%
KNN_HOG_CNN 0.5412 0.0580 98.96% 97.95% 97.xiv%
KNN_LBP_CNN 0.4345 0.0632 95.64% 90.93% 87.85%

Other than cross-validation, 420 images were used for testing purposes. Confusion matrices are shown in these tables for all classifiers. The descriptor is shown in Table 5 in the SVM classifier'south confusion matrix with all combinations of features. Therefore, if the total number of images is 420, then SVM_LBP shows 360 True Positive (TP), 15 True Negative (TN), 37 False Positive (FP), and eight False Negative (FN). TP is a number of those images that belong to the positive class and are classified as positive by the organization. TN is a number of those images that belong to the negative form, and in authenticity, they are also negative. FP is a number of those images that are falsely classified as positive class images. FN is a number of those images that are falsely classified as negative class images. These confusion matrices are based on ii classes, that is, healthy and diseased images. Diseased images are further divided into iv grades. The detailed confusion matrix for SVM_LBP is shown in Figure eight, where 360 True positive images are divided according to grades of illness. Xx-seven false-positive images are divided as (fifteen,12,9,ane); these images belonged to the healthy articulatio genus but they are falsely classified as diseased, that is, Grade I, II, Iii, and Iv. Viii false negative frames were included and half dozen Grade I and two Grade II images were classified as salubrious. For all iii classifiers used in the proposed organization, confusion matrices are given in Tabular array v, Table 6 and Tabular array 7.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is sensors-21-06189-g008.jpg

Detailed Defoliation Matrix for SVM_LBP.

four.3. Evaluation Metrics

Time: The RF's shortest time with a local binary blueprint that is two.23 s as described in Table 2, Table 3 and Tabular array four. The time taken by the SVM classifier with LBP is 4.2 s, and the shortest fourth dimension by SVM is with CNN, which is 3.84 s. The shortest time by KNN is with LBP, which is 2.iii due south.

Accuracy: Accuracy is computed to analyze the overall performance of the proposed algorithm on the data. An algorithm based on KNN with a combination of CNN and Hog attained 98% accuracy on v-fold validation and 97% accurateness on cantankerous-validation. The algorithm obtained 91% accuracy for Grade I, 98% accuracy for Grade Two, and 99.v% accurateness for Grade III and Grade Iv. The equation for accuracy is given below.

A c c u r a c y = T P + T N T P + T Due north + F P + F N .


The true positive, TP, refers to the number of images correctly classified as the Not-Healthy class, while faux positive, FP, refers to the images falsely classified as Not-Salubrious. The simulated negative, FN, refers to the frames that our proposed algorithm failed to detect as Non-Healthy merely were in fact non-Healthy. FP refers to those frames that are falsely classified as not-salubrious, but actually were good for you. After the KNN with CNN and Sus scrofa, the Random Forest classifier performed well on CNN extracted features by providing an accuracy of 93.09%.

Remember: Recall R is calculated and represents the pct of images that were Non-Healthy that the system recalled. The highest Recall was obtained for the aforementioned combination, which was 97.95%. The equation of Remember is given below:

Precision: Precision P is calculated and represents the percentage of those accurately classified by the proposed arrangement. The highest precision value obtained for the KNN classifier using Convolutional Neural Network with Histogram of Oriented Gradient was 98.96%. A comparison of different proposed algorithms is given in Tabular array 8 in social club to select the best and a graphical representation is shown in Figure 9. The average and standard deviations of all the proposed algorithms are also reported in Table viii. The equation of precision is given beneath:

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is sensors-21-06189-g009.jpg

Comparison among the Proposed Algorithms to Select the Best.

4.4. Comparison with State-of-the-Fine art

A comparison with the state-of-the-art is performed to analyze the performance of our proposed algorithm. The assay is shown in Table ix. It is shown that all the existing algorithms are less robust and classify knee disease with less accuracy. The random wood-based technique is proposed in [53] using the images of patients collected from the infirmary. It accomplished 72.95% accuracy and 76.12% precision. CNN based methods for knee affliction detection have been proposed in [fifteen,16,54], using aforementioned dataset, that is, OAI and MOST. They attained 61.78%, 66.68%, and 67.49% accuracies. The VGG-19 based technique has been used in [55], achieving an accuracy of 69.70% using the OAI dataset. CNN and LSTM based knee severity affliction classification was performed in [56] using the OAI dataset and attaining 75.28% accuracy. The maximum accurateness is attained by [57] based on the LSVM classifier. They attached the sensors to the patient's knee to collect the data using VAG signals. However, our proposed algorithm has attained 97.14% accurateness and 98.96% precision, which is the best result amongst the reported existing techniques. The accurateness of dissimilar gradings of knee Osteoarthritis (Grade I, II, Three, IV) is represented in Table 10.

Tabular array 9

Comparing of Different Proposed Algorithms.

Method Remember Precision Accuracy Data Fix
CNN  [sixteen] 62 58 61.78 OAI and MOST
DeepCNN  [58] - - 66.68 OAI and Well-nigh
Siamese CNNs [15] - - 67.49 OAI and MOST
VGG-19 [55] - - 69.70 OAI
CNN-LSTM [56] - - 75.28 OAI
Faster R-CNN [54] - - 74.30 -
LASVM [57] - - 86.67 VAG Signals
RF [53] threescore.49 67.12 72.95 Infirmary Images
The Proposed Algorithm 97.95 98.96 97.14 Mendeley Dataset 4

Table x

Accurateness on different gradings of knee Osteoarthritis (Course I, Two, III, Four).

Class Accuracy (%)
I 91
II 98
Iii 99.5
Four 99.5

5. Conclusions

A novel knee osteoarthritis detection technique is presented for early-phase prediction. To achieve this goal, deep learning-based feature descriptors are utilized on X-ray images. The image is taken from the Mendeley Dataset VI for training and testing. The proposed model feature is extracted from the region of interest using joint infinite width by CNN with LBP and CNN with Pig. The multi-form classifiers, that is, SVM, RF, and KNN, are used to classify KOA co-ordinate to the KL system. Five-Fold Validation and Cross-Validation are performed on the images. The proposed algorithm gives a 97.14% accuracy on cantankerous-validation and a 98% accurateness on five-fold validation. In the future, the proposed model can also be merged with models for the hybrid and diverse detection of different diseases other than of the knee. Further, this tin can likewise be exploited using feature fusion methods for the detection and nomenclature of other diseases.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.M., S.U.R., T.1000., H.T.R., A.I.; Funding acquisition, A.Yard.Due east.-S., K.A.Eastward.-Chiliad.; Methodology, R.K., S.U.R., T.M., H.T.R., A.I., A.M.E.-South., Thou.A.E.-M.; Software, R.Thou., S.U.R., T.Chiliad., H.T.R., A.I., A.M.E.-S., Thousand.A.E.-M.; Visualization, H.T.R.; Writing—original draft, R.M., Due south.U.R., T.M., H.T.R., A.I., A.M.E.-Southward., G.A.E.-Yard.; Supervision, H.T.R. and S.U.R. All authors accept read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The authors extend their appreciation to King Saud University for funding this work through Researchers supporting project number (RSP- 2021/133), Male monarch Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of saudi arabia.

Institutional Review Lath Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Non applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no disharmonize of interest.


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