It has been forever since I last posted a blog. The truth, I've just been very lazy. Haha.

And I'm being super lazy again because I'm keeping this post short. I'm only updating to share some of my recent Bumsso (Kim Bum & Kim So Eun) fan videos I've made. I wrote a lengthy post about this couple a while back. It was just my theory on if this couple will ever have another Kdrama again. You can find it on my blog if you're interested in reading it.

This first video, I guess you can say, is a video version of why Bumsso should do another drama. And the second video is dedicated to all Bumsso fans. Remember (Bumsso) Me. You can find these video by visiting my Video Page:

Despite what may be going on in Kim Bum and So Eun's personal lives, I will forever love Bumsso. I don't know why. There's just something about this couple which is hard for me to move on from. Or you can watch my video above and perhaps you'll understand why. Haha.

In celebration of my favorite k-actor, Kim Bum's 27th (Korean age) birthday on July 7th, here are some of my favorite GIFs of him! 😀 (I actually like every single GIF I've made of him, so it was difficult for me to pick them. hehe)



Saranghaeyo!! Keep smiling and continue surprising us with more awesome dramas (especially shirtless ones)!

hidden2d padam6 londonsh wink marry15b highkick156 mirror BOF-whatever

I've also uploaded a fanfic I wrote of the SoEul couple (Yi Jung & Ga Eul from Boys Over Flowers) at (It's called, "The Unforgettable New Year".)
So if you're into reading fanfics, check mine out. 🙂 It's actually my first fanfic online. I've written a few before this, but the stories are either too racy, writer's block issue or I felt the story got boring. LOL. And since I'm someone who don't like it when authors write a story but leave it hanging undone, I'd rather just not share mine. hehe

If you're a fan of Bummie, check out the many GIFs I've made of him here:
Or my Bummie videos:

(YES, I'm obsessed with this man. 😛 )

About a month ago, I uploaded a music video I made of my favorite Korean drama couple, So Yi Jung (Kim Bum) and Chu Ga Eul (Kim So Eun) from Boys Over Flowers. To my surprise, the MV has over 4,200+ views and counting. If you're one of the viewers, thanks for watching my MV! 😀 I was only expecting a few hundred the first month. So to have over 4k is awesome!! Glad to know that so many out there enjoy the MV! The main reason why I dedicated the MV to SoEul/BumSso (Kim Bum+So Eun) fans is because of their loyal support of this couple since Boys Over Flowers aired back in 2009. I'm amazed that even after 6 years, there are still so many shippers hoping for this couple to reunited on screen again. 🙂 Normally, shippers like this dies down after a year.

I'm also a believer that Kim Bum and So Eun had a secret dating/relationship during/after Boys Over Flowers. Here's an amazing BumSso fansite with evidences supporting this theory: (check out the Trivia section). Although I'm not sure how long they were together, I'm assuming it must had been awhile. The last proof that they were still in contact was an article back in April 2013, when So Eun mention how Bummie and her still text and "see each other often". "Often", in case you didn't know, means more than a few times. 😉


If they were still in a secret relationship 4 years later, that makes me very happy!! What's disappointing is (if true), how they continue to keep it a secret for that long instead of making it public to declare their love. The first year, I can understand because they were young and didn't want to ruin their career. But 4 years later?! Perhaps they always had an up and down relationship? Hence, it was risky coming out. Who knows.

Here's the thing that makes me worry that they MIGHT of had a bad breakup? A few months after So Eun's article, Bummie starred in Goddess of Fire with Lee Sang Yoon and Moon Geun Young. During filming, he fell head over heels for Moon. After filming was done, the couple didn't waste any time and announced their status that they were dating. Then they took a month long trip together to Europe. This was the first public relationship for both of them. The first time I heard this story, for some reason, I felt that Bummie only agreed to make this public because Moon probably wanted to in order to avoid a scandal. She probably gave him an ultimatum: I will only date you if you agree to make it public. I know that in South Korea, Moon's a big star (bigger than So Eun) and is known as the "Nation's Little Sister". The last thing she needs, is a bad rep. Bummie on the other hand, always seem to be a private guy when it comes to his love life. They also only dated for about 6-7 months. Of course, I have no proof that this is how it went down, but I like my chances of being right. 😛

I have no idea if Bummie was cheating on So Eun, or if they were actually friends for the last few months (years?) prior to his public relationship with Moon, but I would like to believe that they separated on good terms. Now to the question of this title: Will Kim Bum & So Eun ever make another k-drama together again?? Even if they separated on good terms, it'll be very awkward (even more so during BOF) for them to film together again. Unless they are very good friends and feel comfortable enough to do be intimate on screen. I hope this is the case, so their feelings can revive and they can date again! 😉 If they had a bad breakup, then we will never see them in another k-drama. 😦 How would you feel doing an on screen relationship with a faithless ex-boyfriend?

Something I found interesting is how So Eun ended up in a k-drama called Liar Game a year later with Lee Sang Yoon (Lee played a lover of Moon's character in Goddess of Fire). So Eun said during their press conference how she was disappointed her and Lee never had an on screen romance. Hmm….OK. LOL. I know to many, this statement may had been not much. But to me, I feel it almost came off to make Kim Bum jealous. As if So Eun secretly knew that Bummie was jealous of Lee during Goddess of Fire. Why not burn Bummie and have a love scene with Lee as well? Hehehe. Oh, So Eun!


With all that said, I still hold out hope that they will reunited again for us BumSso shippers. I'm hoping that Bummie dating Moon didn't ruin his and So Eun's relationship and that they are still good friends. I'd rather they be in a romantic relationship, but sadly, I think they are no longer an item. 😦 Wish I'm wrong though! I know the chances of them on screen again is very unlikely, but one can hope!!! 😉 Even if they end up never doing another drama together again, I will always support them. Check out my the many GIFs I've made of them: SoEul GIFs and another MV I made only found on my blog: SoEul MV

Looking forward to their new dramas (Bum's Hidden Identity and So Eun's Scholar who Walks the Night) this summer! FIGHTING BumSso!~~ …Off to read SoEul fanfics now!! 😀

bof-soeulmate5 bof-soeulmate7

The Avengers has always been one of my favorite films (Captain America is my favorite Marvel character!) and with the second installment of Avengers: Age of Ultron being released this weekend, I went to watch it in the theater today. I saw it in 3D and am glad I did! Totally worth it with all the action scenes! There are also some funny parts and lines. Made me wonder if I was watching a comedy movie. LOL. Although I didn't enjoy this film as much as part one, I still found it very entertaining.

A bit of spoiler here, but at point, the Avenger team had to go to Seoul, South Korea to fight the evil Ultron. Since I've been into Korean drama lately, it made me wonder if my F4 guys from Boys Over Flowers were the Avengers, how will they look like? So I did my best attempt on photoshopping them into some of the Avenger characters. Instead of F4, I made it into F6 to include my girls, Jan Di and Ga Eul. I'm totally digging my "poster"! 😀 Imagine this Avengers F6 team saving South Korea…or this world!?



Here's My Top 50 Reasons Why I Adore Kim Bum SO much!!!

(in no particular order)

1) his dimple!

2) the bromances he has with his hyungs

3) the way he cries

4) his angry face

5) how he plays with water
dream_wet (1)

6) when he's super shy

7) how he eats his ramen noodle

8) or this ice cream!

9) how he points at me
CF_face (2)

10) the way he play games

11) how he rides a merry go around

12) when he rest his chin on his hand

13) that arm of his

14) that eyebrow and eyes of his!

15) the (indoor) sunglasses

16) that sexy wink

17) when he can make a tie look good on any outfit

18) those damn lips

19) how he poses those heart shapes ❤

20) especially how he makes them on an omelet for his fans (aww)

21) when he does his virtual hugs to his fans

22) when he awkwardly doesn't know what to do and just waves hi

23) he knows how to play the piano

24) and shake his booty

25) his "high-five the wall" laugh

26) the "sad" face

27) or dorky smile

 28) or smirk

29) or the shy smile

30) when he's a badass

31) or just being a cute school boy

32) when he suits up

32) or dress fashionable

33) or stay casual

34) or shirtless *thud*

35) when he's as cuddling as this teddy bear

 36) or as cute as this puppy

37) how he's best friends with Lee Minho and Jung Il Woo

38) the way he holds this pole stick

39) that tongue

40) his beauty sleep

41) his various hairstyles

42) how he eats potato chips

43) when he looks at a mirror and smiles because he's sexy and he knows it

44) That Fighting Kim Bum pose!

45) how he enjoys taking a shower without closing the curtains
WindBlows_kiss (2)

46) hmm…that finger

47) how he's not sure how to act around these women:

48) the time he gave out free hugs to strangers

49) he's really an angel (to me, at least)!

50) …with that adorable baby face! 😀

These are my top 50 reasons why I adore Kim Bum! ❤ Hope you enjoy it as much as how I enjoy making this post. lol